Seismic Retrofitting as an Investment

I am often asked if seismic retrofitting is a practical or worthy expense to invest in a house. The best way I have come to answer the question is keeping in mind a few facts from our past earthquakes. The 1906 quake was a 7.9 and lasted somewhere between 60-90 seconds. The Loma Prieta quake lasted about 8-15 seconds and was a 6.9. The power is a huge factor however the duration is just as critical given that when a house starts to move a around the longer it moves and the more force that is added to it can cause a house to fail. So a seismic retrofit can benefit a home not only during a seismic event but also bring peace of mind that when we go to bed at night we have taken a major step to protect our family. So my answer is yes it is worth the expense given all the unknowns to retrofit your house.

Read article on the Hayward Fault by KQED